The Everyday Mystic

LiYing Lim | A Different Kind of Plant Medicine

March 15, 2024 Corissa Saint Laurent Episode 63

Join Corissa and LiYing Lim, a Cha Dao Ceremonial Keeper and spiritual mentor, and the founder of When Still Waters Speak. 

LiYing holds transcendental Tea Ceremonies across the world, online and in-person, sharing her alchemical healing work through Tea leaves steeped in what is known in Daoist Chinese Medicine as Di Dao (The Way of the Land). This tea comes from trees hundreds and thousands of years old, hailing from their own ancestral and spiritual lands. 

In this episode, LiYing shares her journey with tea and how it spoke to her and saved her from self-destruction. She lived a very different life before she found tea’s sacred medicine and it connected her to her inner being and the infinite expanse of the multi-dimensional realms. 

She believes, when it comes to creating a most fulfilling life, it’s not about the “how” - but the “what” that you embody. Get ready to receive the beautiful spirit of this plant medicine in this episode with LiYing Lim on The Everyday Mystic. 


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