The Everyday Mystic

Sam Gibbs Morris | Breathing Presence Into Your Life

Corissa Saint Laurent Episode 68

Sam Gibbs Morris is a master life and consciousness coach, masculine presence mentor and psychedelic guide on a journey to help men heal, lead and embody their divine masculine. Sam was on the path of becoming a professional tennis player and fell into the depths of addiction before walking his own path through his pain and shadow gateways to become a wayshower for other men seeking to transform and transcend. 

In this episode, Sam shares the struggles he had with breathing as a child and how the trauma of that and the shame he carried led unknowingly to his problems later in life. He talks about the realization that his childhood illnesses were tied to the need to be seen and how he’s learned to trust life and himself. 

You’ll be invited into the divine orchestration of all that is, in this episode with Sam Gibbs Morris on The Everyday Mystic. 



Thanks for tuning in!